Advisory Boards

Medical Advisors

Michael Grundman, M.D., MPH

Senior Medical advisor, Global, R&D Partners, LLC

Anton Porsteinsson, M.D.

Director of the University of Rochester Alzheimer’s Disease Care, Research and Education Program

Stephen Salloway, M.D.

Professor of Neurology and Psychiatry & Human Behavior at Brown University’s Warren Alpert Medical School

Sharon Sha, M.D., M.S.

Chief of Stanford University Memory Disorders Division; Co-Director, Lewy Body Dementia Research Center of Excellence

Pierre N. Tariot, M.D.

Director of the Banner Alzheimer’s Institute; Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Arizona College of Medicine

Scientific and Biomarker Advisors

Kaj Blennow, M.D., Ph.D.

Chief Physician, Dept of Psychiatry and Neurochemistry at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Allan Levey, M.D., Ph.D.

Director of the Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center at Emory University

Eric Reiman, M.D.

CEO of Banner Research and
Executive Director of the Banner Alzheimer’s Institute

Charlotte E. Teunissen, Ph.D.

Professor in Neurochemistry at Amsterdam UMC, The Netherlands
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